
Weber’s Ann Arbor Wedding | Emily & Zane

Weber’s Ann Arbor Wedding | Emily & Zane

Oh my gosh, where do I even begin. Emily & Zane’s Ann Arbor wedding was one for the books! From Emily’s younger sister and Maid of Honor balling her eyes out during the ceremony to the sweet look on Zane’s face when he saw his bride for the first time, there were so many special moments during their wedding and you could feel all of the love that their family and friends had for them during the day!

Cherry Barc Farm Wedding Lansing, MI | Emily & Stefan

Cherry Barc Farm Wedding Lansing, MI | Emily & Stefan

When Emily was 13, her Dad gave her a heart locket with an “E” cut out of it. He kept the “E” key that unlocked it on a chain around his neck and she wore the locket around hers. This past Saturday he gave the key to Emily’s heart to Stefan as he married them in a beautiful outdoor ceremony at the Cherry Barc Farm just outside of Lansing, MI.

Metro Detroit Bridal Shower | Lachelle & Mike

Metro Detroit Bridal Shower | Lachelle & Mike

Lachelle and Mike’s family threw them a beautiful bridal shower last weekend and I was so excited they asked me to photograph it! It was a beautiful afternoon filled with so much laughter (especially during the shower game they played) and love from friends and family!

West Michigan Wedding Photos | Patricia & Chris

West Michigan Wedding Photos | Patricia & Chris

It was a beautiful day in Shelbyville, Michigan for Patricia and Chris’s wedding and these Bay Pointe Inn wedding photos are some of my favorites! The venue literally felt like a little tropical paradise sandwiched between Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids. I mean, there were even palm trees and pineapples.